Community Solar Case Study Site: United Airlines Data Center

Proposed Business Case: Employee Benefit Model

United Airlines Data Center

The United Airlines Training and Data Center main campus building is LEED Silver certified and is ideal for solar, with capacity to accommodate a rooftop system of more than 1.4 MW. This unique model allows United Airlines to partner with a solar developer to offer direct benefits to their employees and the surrounding community of Mt. Prospect.

The proposal allows for employees to lease panels with no upfront costs and save 20 percent on the cost of their electricity starting the first year. United Airlines would be able to subscribe to 40 percent of the energy produced and could see additional revenue from leasing their roof. They would also be able to extend benefits to the surrounding community if they choose, with the ability to serve nearly 200 subscribers.


United Airlines Data Center: Synopsis

United Airlines Data Center: Case Study

United Airlines Data Center: Solar Design

United Airlines Data Center: Financial Model


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