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Here are some tips to keep in mind for the upcoming holiday: Create a quiet haven for your pet. Make sure it is cool enough, comfortable enough and away from the celebrations.
Considerable investor interest credited to fiscal responsibility and strong management Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle announced that a bond refinancing priced this week will garner $56.6 million in reduced interest cost savi
A report submitted to the Cook County Board of Commissioners highlights continued progress in the number of minority- and women-owned business enterprises (M/WBE) doing business with Cook County.
Communities seek tax delinquent properties to return them to productive useCook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle announced that many of the 37 taxing districts participating in Cook County’s No Cash Bid Program have started to rece
Cook County will redesign and reconstruct the Rosemont Transit Center, a facility located on Cook County property and used primarily by Pace buses that also serves “kiss-and-ride” transit passengers, taxis, private shuttles and rideshare service p