Racial Equity
Cook County Equity Fund Report
Released on April 7, 2022, the Cook County Equity Fund Report was created to address historic and continued disinvestment and inequities that have negatively impacted Black, Latino and other marginalized residents. Under the guidance of nearly 90 community partners, this historic Cook County document highlights the Equity Fund’s goals, vision and purpose, outlines and memorializes the County’s financial equity commitments, and includes the Cook County Equity Fund Taskforce’s recommendations on actions Cook County government should take to address structural barriers that prevent the meaningful advancement of equity across Cook County.
- To view or download the full report in English, click here.
- To view or download the December 2023 Progress Report, click here.
- To view or download the December 2022 Progress Report, click here.
- To view or download the full report en Español, click here.
- To view or download the December 2023 Progress Report en Español, click here.
- To view or download the December 2022 Progress Report en Español, click here.
To view the press release, click here.

Racial Equity Week 2023
The fifth annual Cook County Racial Equity Week will be held September 11-15, 2023. Cook County will continue to offer a week of events available to the public and to Cook County employees. Some events will be held in-person and some will continue to be offered virtually. Events during the week will be posted on the County’s website and details will be shared on social media. All events will be free and open to the public, unless otherwise specified.
“I look forward to observing Racial Equity Week, to sparking conversations and inspiring our residents and community partners in the work we do to make Cook County a place where everyone can thrive, regardless of race, nationality, gender, immigration status, or zip code,” said Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. “Each year, we update the public on how Cook County has worked to advance racial equity through policy and practice, as well as highlight the work of our partners and advocates.”
This year's events include:
Monday, September 11
ALL DAY (Monday through Wednesday, Sept. 11-13) - Virtual Viewing with the Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP) via Vimeo (www.vimeo.com/showcase/10591334 - Password: CookCounty2023). This program features short documentary films that delve into the specificity of identity and experience for Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) individuals in the LGBTQ+ community. This link will take participants to a 60-minute short films list that will be available for viewing during the show dates. A 60-minute moderated panel discussion with Cook County and filmmakers will be held on Tuesday, September 12.
2PM - History of Provident Hospital, Panel Discussion
Where: Provident Hospital of Cook County (500 E. 51st St. Chicago, IL) and live streamed via Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/PresidentPreckwinkle)
President Preckwinkle invites residents to a panel discussion where leaders from Cook County Health and the local community delve into the rich history of Provident Hospital of Cook County. Panelists will take part in a thought-provoking discussion about the significance of Provident Hospital, its groundbreaking contributions to racial equity in healthcare and the hospital's pivotal role in shaping the medical landscape. Participants will explore the past, present and future of equitable healthcare access, fostering a deeper understanding of the strides that must continue to be made in Cook County and across the nation.
7PM - Cook County United Against Hate Panel: Hate Crime Investigations and Remedies
Where: Prospect Heights Public Library (Rooms A&B) and live streamed via Facebook (www.facebook.com/PresidentPreckwinkle)
This event will feature a Cook County United Against Hate panel on how hate crimes are investigated, prosecuted, and repaired, if not prevented in the first place. Featuring Cook County Commissioner Scott Britton and representatives from the Cook County Sheriff's Office, State's Attorney, and the Department of Human Rights and Ethics, attendees will learn about:
Hate crime investigations and criminal prosecution proceedings
Victim support resources and mental health services
Remedies when hate is not a crime
Efforts by Cook County to prevent and interrupt all forms of hate
Actions you can do when you witness or are a victim to hate
Tuesday, September 12
12PM - Q&A Panel with Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP) Producers
Where: Virtual Event live streamed via Facebook (www.facebook.com/PresidentPreckwinkle)
This virtual panel will include a 60-minute moderated discussion with Cook County leaders and QWOCMAP filmmakers. The films are about the specificity of identity and experience for Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) individuals in the LGBTQ+ community. Attendees are invited to join in conversation and ask questions to filmmakers.
Wednesday, September 13
7PM - “Pour One Out!” Live Storytelling Series with Dr. Ada Cheng.
Where: Volumes Bookcafe (1373 N. Milwaukee St., Chicago, IL) and live streamed via Facebook (www.facebook.com/PresidentPreckwinkle)
Register: https://REW2023.eventbrite.com
Professor turned storyteller Dr. Ada Cheng curates a series of intersectional and personal narratives by local performers that strive for equitable inclusion. The Office of the President invites residents to join Dr. Cheng and County leadership for this growing storytelling community built through intimacy and vulnerability.
Thursday, September 14
12PM - Knowing your Rights & Responsibilities: Anti-Discrimination Protections at All Levels of Government
Where: Virtual Event live streamed via Facebook (www.facebook.com/PresidentPreckwinkle)
Illinois Department of Human Rights, Chicago Commission on Human Relations, and Cook County Commission on Human Rights are pleased to present Know Your Rights & Responsibilities: Anti-Discrimination Protections at All Levels of Government. This presentation will share human rights protections at the City, County, and State, where individuals can file complaints, how to file complaints, and highlight similarities and differences in protections at each level. Representatives from all three agencies will be present to answer questions.
6PM - Cook County Equity Fund Hearing
Where: Virtual Event via Facebook (www.facebook.com/PresidentPreckwinkle)
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle launched the Cook County Equity Fund Taskforce in 2021. The 50-member taskforce was charged with advising her administration on strategic investments from the Cook County Equity Fund, which addresses historical disparities and disinvestment, particularly in Black and Latino communities. This public hearing will provide an overview of the taskforce and fund, and updates from the Cook County bureaus, departments, and partner organizations who have been leading the work.
Friday, September 15
11:30AM - Forest Preserves of Cook County (FPCC) and the Queerness of Nature Walk
Where: Sand Ridge Nature Center (15891 Paxton Ave, South Holland, IL)
Register: https://fpcc-rew.eventbrite.com
President Preckwinkle will join the Forest Preserves of Cook County (FPCC) and community members for a Queerness of Nature Walk in the Preserves. Nature does not fit into the binary world that modern society has created. On this walk, residents will learn about the different ways that nature expresses itself, explore the Sand Ridge Nature Preserve’s diverse ecosystems while discussing queer ecology, and break down the ideas of heteronormativity and gender conformity in nature. Through these collective conversations, guides will reveal the complexity and fluidity present in the natural world. Sand Ridge Nature Center also features interactive exhibits, programs and knowledgeable staff to guide residents through the natural and cultural history of the Calumet Region. The event may be led in both English and Spanish.
Diversity and Inclusion Statement
Offices Under the President officially adopted a Diversity and Inclusion Statement during Racial Equity Week 2019:
We believe in the dignity and worth of all people and the strength in the diversity of all perspectives.
Cook County commits to cultivating equity, inclusion and opportunity within County government and the diverse communities it serves—where we celebrate employees, residents and visitors and welcome diversity of perspectives. Empowered by an inclusive workforce, Cook County is dedicated to equity and fairness in governance—in all its forms—to strengthen and serve our communities to the best of our abilities.